Sunday, August 16, 2009

July in Thunderstorm and Heat

July has been an amazing month here- the weather has become relatively predictable, with thunderstorms rolling in from the west around 5pm every afternoon, right when we finish work. Nights have been slightly humid, holding in some of the heat accrued during the day. I took some pictures of thunderstorm clouds from Hwy 36.

This atmosphere has been so special, especially on cool mornings in Boulder for the farmers market. It takes a slow perusal through the lanes of white tent covered booths to notice how the colors of fruits and vegetables become more vibrant after a fleeting thunderous downpour. Que dulce la lluvia. A banquet of vegetables, fresh bread and aged balsamic vinegar. I do wish it had come from my own garden. I miss California for its year-round growing season and fertile soil.


  1. He remembers her
    And it makes him smile
    Her effortless beauty so fine

    He wonders if she knew
    How much he loved her
    His fondness never faded with time

    All that he had seen
    And the places he’d been
    A desire to have shared them all

    Now return to the self
    Return to the dream
    Back to all-that was before

    1. She remembers him
      That he drove the wedge
      Between her heart and her mind

      She knows his love
      Like hers, primal, puerile
      Her ignorance faded with time

      All she saw
      Where she went was pure
      Not colored by sharing mind

      I can now return to myself
      The source of my dreams
      And all that came after-you
